Swami Vivekananda
Only Hope For The Sustenance In This Cut Throat Competitive World.
Friday, 18 November 2011
Swami Vivekananda : The Cyclonic Monk of India.: The Mission of The Vedanta
Swami Vivekananda : The Cyclonic Monk of India.: The Mission of The Vedanta: Marvelous Tawang THE MISSION OF THE VEDANTA On the occasion of his visit to Kumbhakonam, the Swamiji was presented with the foll...
The Mission of The Vedanta
Marvelous Tawang |
On the occasion of his visit to Kumbhakonam, the Swamiji
was presented with the following address by the local Hindu community:
On behalf of the Hindu inhabitants of this
ancient and religiously important town of Kumbhakonam, we request permission to
offer you a most hearty welcome on your return from the Western World to our
own holy land of great temples and famous saints and sages. We are highly
thankful to God for the remarkable success of your religious mission in America
and in Europe, and for His having enabled you to impress upon the choicest
representatives of the world’s great religions assembled at Chicago that both
the Hindu philosophy and religion are so broad and so rationally catholic as to
have in them the power to exalt and to harmonize all ideals of God and of human
The conviction that the cause of Truth is
always safe in the hands of Him who is the life and soul of the universe has
been for thousands of years part of our living faith; and if today we rejoice
at the results of your holy work in Christian lands, it is because the eyes of
men in and outside of India are thereby being opened to the inestimable value
of the spiritual heritage of the pre-eminently religious Hindu nation. The
success of your work has naturally added great luster to the already renowned
name of your great Guru; it has also raised us in the estimation of the
civilized world; more the all, it has made us feel that we too, as a people,
have reason to be proud of the achievements of our past, and that the absence
of telling aggressiveness in our civilization is in no way a sign of its
exhausted or decaying condition. With clear-sighted, devoted, and altogether
unselfish workers like you in our midst, the future of the Hindu nation cannot
but be bright and hopeful. May the God of the universe who is also the great
God of all nations bestow on you health and long life, and make you
increasingly strong and wise in the discharge of your high and noble function
as a worthy teacher of Hindu religion and philosophy.
A second address was also presented by the
Hindu students of the town.
The Swami then delivered the following address
on the Mission of the Vedanta:
A very small amount of religious work performed
brings a large amount of result. If this statement of the Gita wanted an
illustration, I am finding every day the truth of that great saying in my
humble life. My work has been very insignificant indeed, but the kindness and
the cordiality of welcome that have met me at every step of my journey from
Colombo to this city are simply beyond all expectation. Yet, at the same time,
it is worthy of our traditions as Hindus, it is worthy of our race; for here we
are, the Hindu race, whose vitality, whose life principle, whose very soul, as
it were, is in religion, I have seen a little of the world, travelling among
the races of the East and the West; and everywhere I find among nations one great ideal which forms the backbone, so to
speak, of that race. With some it is politics, which others it is social
culture; others again may have intellectual culture and so on for their
national background. But this, our motherland, has religion and religion alone
for its basis, for its backbone, for the bedrock upon which the whole building
of its life has been based. Some of you may remember that in my reply to
the kind address which the people of Madras sent over to me in America, I
pointed out the fact that a peasant in India has, in many respects, a better
religious education than many a gentleman in the West, and today, beyond all
doubt, I myself am verifying my own words. There was a time when I did feel
rather discontented at the want of information among the masses of India and
the lack of thirst among them for information, but now I understand it. Where
their interest lies, there they are more eager for information than the masses
of any other race that I have seen or have travelled among. Ask our peasants
about the momentous political changes in Europe, the upheavals that are going
on in European society – they do not know anything of them, nor do they care to
know; but the peasants, even in Ceylon, detached from India in many ways, cut
off from a living interest in India – I found the very peasants working in the
fields there were already acquainted with the fact that there had been a
Parliament of Religions in America, that an Indian Sannyasin had gone over
there, and that he had had some success.
Where, therefore, their interest is, there they
are as eager for information as any other race; and religion is the one and the sole interest of the people of India. I am
not just now discussing whether it is good to have the vitality of the race in
religious ideals or in political ideals, but so far it is clear to us that, for
good or for evil, our vitality is concentrated in our religion. You cannot
change it. You cannot destroy it and put in its place another. You cannot
transplant a large growing tree from one soil to another and make it
immediately take root there. For good or for evil, the religious ideal has been
flowing into India for thousands of years; for good or for evil, we have been
born and brought up in the very midst of these ideals of religion, till it has
entered into our very blood and tingled with every drop in our veins, and has
become one with our constitution, become the very vitality of our lives. Can
you give such religion up without the rousing of the same energy in reaction,
without filling the channel which that mighty river has cut out for itself in
the course of thousands of years? Do you want that the Ganga should go back to
its icy bed and begin a new course? Even if that were possible, it would be
impossible for this country to give up her characteristic course of religious
life and take up for herself a new career of politics or something else. You
can work only under the law of least resistance, and this religious line is the
line of least resistance in India. This is the line of life, this is the line
of growth, and this is the line of well-being in India – to follow the track of
Ay, in other countries religion is only one of
the many necessities in life. To use a common illustration which I am in the
habit of using, my lady has many things in her parlor, and it is the fashion
nowadays to have a Japanese vase, and she must procure it; it does not look
well to be without it. So my lady, or my gentleman, has many other occupations
in life, and also a little bit of religion must come in to complete it. Consequently
he or she has a little religion. Politics, social improvement, in one word, this world, is the goal of mankind
in the West, and God and religion come in quietly as helper to attain that goal.
Their God is, so to speak, the Being who helps to cleanse and to furnish this
world for them; that is apparently all the value of God for them. Do you not
know how far the last hundred or two hundred years you have been hearing again
and again out of the lips of men who ought to have known better, from the mouths
of those who pretend at least to know better, that all the arguments they produce against the Indian religion is this –
that our religion does not conduce to well-being in this world, that it does
not bring gold to us, that it does not make us robbers of nations, that it does
not make the strong stand upon the bodies of the weak and feed themselves with
the life-blood of the weak. Certainly our religion does not do that. It cannot
send cohorts, under whose feet the earth trembles, for the purpose of destruction
and pillage and the ruination of races. Therefore they say – what is there in
this religion? It does not bring any grist to the grinding mill, any strength
to the muscles; what is there in such a religion?
They little
dream that that is the very argument with which we prove our religion, because
it does not make for this world. Ours is the only true religion because,
according to it, this little sense-world of three days’ duration is not to be
made the end and aim of all, is not to be our great goal. This little earthly
horizon of a few feet is not that which bounds the view of our religion. Ours
is away beyond, and still beyond; beyond the senses, beyond space, and beyond
time, away, away beyond, till nothing of this world is life and the universe itself
becomes like a drop in the transcendent ocean of the glory of the soul. Ours is
the true religion because it teaches that God alone is true, that this world is
false and fleeing, that all your gold is but as dust, that all your power is
finite, and that life itself is oftentimes an evil; therefore it is, that ours
is the true religion. Ours is the true religion because, above all, it teaches
renunciation and stands up with the wisdom of ages to tell and to declare to
the nations who are mere children of yesterday in comparison with us Hindus –
who own the hoary antiquity of the wisdom, discovered by our ancestors here in
India – to tell them in plain words: “Children, you are slaves of the sense;
there is only finiteness in the senses, there is only ruination in the senses;
the three short days of luxury here bring only ruin at last. Give it all up,
renounce the love of the senses
and of the world; that is the way of religion.” Through renunciation is the way to the goal and not through enjoyment.
Therefore ours is the only true religion.
Ay, it is a
curious fact that while nations after nations have come upon the stage of the
world, played their parts vigorously for a few moments, and died almost without
leaving a mark or a ripple on the ocean of time, here we are living, as it
were, an eternal life. They talk a great deal of the new theories about the
survival of the fittest, and they think that it is the strength of the muscles
which is the fittest to survive. If that were true, any one of the aggressively
known old world nations would have lived in glory today, and we, the weak
Hindus, who never conquered even one other race or nation, ought to have died
out; yet we live here three hundred million strong!
(A young English lady once told me: What have the Hindus done? They never even
conquered a single race!) And it is not at all true that all its energies are
spent, that atrophy has overtaken its body: that is not true. There is vitality
enough, and it comes out in torrents and deluges the world when the time is
ripe and requires it.
I have become used to hear all sorts of
wonderful claims put forward in favor of every religion under the sun. You have
also heard, quite within recent times, the claims put forward by Dr. Barrows, a
great friend of mine, that Christianity is the only universal religion. Let me
consider this question awhile and lay before you my reasons why I think that it
is Vedanta, and Vedanta alone, that can become the universal religion of man,
and that no other is fitted for the role. Excepting our own, almost all the other great religions in the
world are inevitably connected with the life or lives of one or more of their
founders. All their theories, their teachings, their doctrines, and their
ethics are built round the life of a personal founder, from Whom they get their
sanction, their authority, and their power; and strangely enough, upon the
historicity of the founder’s life is built, as it were, all the fabric of such
religions. If there is one blow dealt to the historicity of the founder’s life
is built, as it were, all the fabric of such religions. If there is one blow dealt to the historicity of that life, as has
been the case in modern times with the lives of almost all the so-called
founders of religion – we know that half of the details of such lives is not
now seriously believed in, and that the other half is seriously doubted –
if this becomes the case, if the rock of historicity, as they pretend to call
it, is shaken and shattered, the whole building tumbles down, broken
absolutely, never to regain its lost status.
Every one of the great religions in the world
excepting our own, is built upon such historical characters; but ours rests upon principles. There is no man or woman who can claim to have
created the Vedas. They are the embodiment of eternal principles; sages
discovered them; and now and then the names of these sages are mentioned – just
their names; we do not even know who or what they were. In many cases we do
not know who their fathers were, and almost in every case we do not know when
and where they were born. But what care they, these sages, for their names?
They were the preachers of principles, and they themselves, so far as they
went, tried to become illustrations of the
principles they preached. At the same time, just as our God is an
Impersonal and yet a Personal God, so is our religion a most intensely
impersonal one – a religion based upon principles – and yet with an infinite
scope for the play of persons; for what religion gives you more Incarnations,
more prophets and seers, and still waits for infinitely more? The Bhagavata
says that Incarnations are infinite, leaving ample scope for as many as you
like to come. Therefore if any one or more of these persons in India’s
religious history, any one or more of these Incarnations, and any one or more
of our prophets are proved not to have been historical, it does not injure our
religion at all; even then it remains firm as ever, because it is based upon
principles, and not upon persons. It is in vain we try to gather all the
peoples of the world around a single personality. It is difficult to make them
gather together even round eternal and universal principles. If it ever becomes possible to bring the largest
portion of humanity to one way of thinking in regard to religion, mark you, it
must be always through principles and not through persons. Yet as I have
said, our religion has ample scope for the authority and influence of persons.
There is that most wonderful theory of Ishata which gives you the fullest and
the freest choice possible among these great religious personalities. You may
take up any one of the prophets or teachers as your guide and the object of
your special adoration; you are even allowed to think that he whom you have
chosen is the greatest of the prophets, greatest of all the Avatars; there is
no harm in that, but you must keep to a firm background of eternally true
principles. The strange fact here is that the power of our Incarnations has been
holding god with us only so far as they are illustrations of the principles in
the Vedas. The glory of Shri Krishna is that he has been the best preacher of
our eternal religion of principles and the best commentator on the Vedanta that
ever lived in India.
The second claim of the Vedanta upon the
attention of the world is that, of all the scriptures in the world, it is the
one scripture that teaching of which is in entire harmony with the results that
have been attained by the modern scientific investigations of external nature.
Two minds in the dim past of history, cognate to each other in form and kinship
and sympathy, started, being placed in different routes. The one was the
ancient Hindu mind, and the other the ancient Greek mind. The former started by
analyzing the internal world. The latter started in search of that goal beyond
by analyzing the external world. And even through the various vicissitudes of
their history, it is easy to make out these two vibrations of thought as
tending to produce similar echoes of the goal beyond. It seems clear that the
conclusions of modern materialistic science can be acceptable, harmoniously
with their religion, only to the Vedantins or Hindus as they are called. It
seems clear that modern materialism can hold its own and at the same time
approach spirituality by taking up the conclusions of the Vedanta. It seems to
us, and to all who care to know, that the conclusions of modern science are the
very conclusions that Vedanta reached ages ago; only, in modern science they
are written in the language of matter. This
then is another claim of the Vedanta upon modern Western minds, its
rationality, the wonderful rationalism of the Vedanta. I have myself been told
by some of the best Western scientific minds of the day, how wonderfully
rational the conclusions of the Vedanta are. I know one of them personally who
scarcely has time to eat his meal or go out of his laboratory, but who yet
would stand by the hour to attend my lectures on the Vedanta; for, as he
expresses it, they are so scientific, they so exactly harmonize with the
aspirations of the age and with the conclusions to which modern science is
coming at the present time.
It seems to me, that such an attempt at tribal
self-assertion in religious matters might have taken place on the frontiers of
India also. Here, too, all the various tribes of the Aryans might have come
into conflict with one another for declaring the supremacy of their several
tribal gods; but India’s history was to be otherwise, was to be different from
that of the Jews. India alone was to be, of all lands, the land of toleration
and of spirituality; and therefore the fight between tribes and their gods did
not long take place here. For one of the greatest sages that was ever born
found out here in India even at the distant time, which history cannot reach,
and into whose gloom even tradition itself dares not peep – in that distant
time the sages arose and declared,
‘Ekam Satvipra Bahudhaa Vadanti’ – “He who exists is one; the sages call
Him variously.” This is one of the most memorable sentences that was ever
uttered, one of the grandest truths that was ever discovered. And for us Hindus
this truth has been the very backbone of our national existence. For throughout
the vistas of the centuries of our national life, this one idea – “Ekam
Satvipra Bahudhaa Vadanti” – comes down, gaining in volume and in fullness till
it has permeated the whole of our national existence, till it has mingled in
our blood, and has become one with us. We live that grand truth in every vein,
and our country has become the glorious land of religious toleration. It is
here and here alone that they build temples and churches for the religions
which have come with the object of condemning our own religion. This is one
very great principle that the world is waiting to learn from us. Ay, you little
know how much of intolerance is yet abroad. It struck me more than once that I
should have to leave my bones on foreign shores owing to the prevalence of
religious intolerance. Killing a man is nothing for religion’s sake; tomorrow
they may do it in the very heart of the boasted civilization of the West if
today they are not really doing so. Out casting in its most horrible forms
would often come down upon the head of a man in the West if he dared to say a
word against his country’s accepted religion. They
talk glibly and smoothly here in criticism of our caste laws. If you go to the
West and live there as I have done, you will know that even some of the biggest
professors you hear of are arrant cowards and dare not say, for fear of public
opinion, a hundredth part of what they hold to be really true in religious
Therefore, the
world is waiting for this grand idea of universal toleration. It will be a
great acquisition to civilization. Nay, no
civilization can long exist unless this idea enters into it. No civilization
can grow unless fanaticism, bloodshed, and brutality stop. No civilization can
begin to lift up its head until we look charitably upon one another; and the
first step towards that much-needed charity is to look charitably and kindly
upon the religious convictions of others. Nay more, to understand that not only
should we be charitable, but positively helpful to each other, however
different our religious ideas and convictions may be. And that is exactly what
we do in India as I have just related to you. It
is here in India that Hindus have built and are still building churches for
Christians and mosques for Mohammedans. That is the thing to do. In spite of
their hatred, in spite of their brutality, in spite of their cruelty, in spite
of their tyranny, and in spite of the vile language they are given to uttering,
we will and must go on building churches for the Christians and mosques for the
Mohammedans until we conquer through love, until we have demonstrated to the
world that love alone is the fittest thing to survive and not hatred, that it
is gentleness that has the strength to live on and to fructify, and not mere
brutality and physical force.
The rational West is earnestly bent upon
seeking out the rationality, the raison
detre of all its philosophy and its ethics; and you all know well that ethics cannot be derived from the mere sanction
of any personage, however great and divine he may have been. Such an
explanation of the authority of ethics appeals no more to the highest of the
world’s thinkers; they want something more than human sanction for ethical and
moral codes to be binding, they want some eternal principle of truth as the
sanction of ethics. And where is that eternal sanction to be found except
in the only Infinite Reality that exists in you and in me and in all, in the
Self, in the Soul? The infinite oneness of the Soul is the eternal sanction of
all morality, that you and I are not only brothers – every literature voicing
man’s struggle towards freedom has preached that for you – but that you and I are really one. This is the dictate of
Indian philosophy. Europe wants it today just as much as our downtrodden masses
do, and this great principle is even now unconsciously forming the basis of all
the latest political and social aspirations that are coming up in England, in
Germany, in France, and in America. And mark it, my friends, that in and
through all the literature voicing man’s struggle towards freedom, towards
universal freedom, again and again you find the Indian Vedantic ideals coming
out prominently. In some cases the writers do not know the source of their
inspiration, in some cases they try to appear very original, and a few there
are, bold and grateful enough to mention the source and acknowledge their
indebtedness to it.
When I was in
America, I heard once the complaint made that I was preaching too much of
Advaita, and too little of dualism. Ay, I know what grandeur, what oceans of
love, what infinite, ecstatic blessings and joy there are in the dualistic
love-theories of worship and religion. I know it all. But this is not the time
with us to weep even in joy; we have had weeping enough; no more is this the
time for us to become soft. This softness has been with us till we have become
like masses of cotton and are dead. What our country now wants are muscles of
iron and nerves of steel, gigantic wills which nothing can resist, which can
penetrate into the mysteries and the secrets of the universe, and will
accomplish their purpose in any fashion even if it meant going down to the
bottom of the ocean and meeting death face to face. That is what we want, and that can only be
created, established, and strengthened by understanding and realizing the ideal
of the Advaita, that ideal of the oneness of all. Faith, Faith, faith in
ourselves, faith, faith in God – this is the secret of greatness. If you have
faith in all the three hundred and thirty millions of your mythological gods,
and in all the gods which foreigners have now and again introduced into your
midst, and still have no faith in yourselves, and stand up on that faith and be
strong; that is what we need. Why is it that we three hundred and thirty
millions of people have been ruled for the last one thousand years by any and
every handful of foreigners who chose to walk over our prostrate bodies?
Because they had faith in themselves and we had not. What did I learn in the
West, and what did I see behind those frothy sayings of the Christian sects
repeating that man was a fallen and hopelessly fallen sinner? There I saw that
inside the national hearts of both Europe and America reside the tremendous
power of the men’s faith in themselves. An English boy will tell you, “I am an
Englishman, and I can do anything.” The American boy will tell you the same
thing, and so will any European boy. Can our boys say the same thing here? No,
nor even the boys’ fathers. We have lost faith in ourselves. Therefore to
preach the Advaita aspect of the Vedanta is necessary to rouse up the hearts of
men, show them the glory of their souls. It is, therefore, that I preach this
Advaita; and I do so not as a sectarian, but upon universal and widely
acceptable grounds.
It is easy to find out the way of
reconciliation that will not hurt the dualist or the qualified monist. There is
no one system in India which does not hold the doctrine that God is within,
that Divinity resides within all things. Evereyone
of our Vedantic systems admits that all purity and perfection and strength are
in the soul already. According to some, this perfection sometimes becomes, as
it were, contracted, and at other times it becomes expanded again. Yet it is
there. According to the Advaita, it neither contracts nor expands, but becomes
hidden and uncovered now and again. Pretty much the same thing in effect. The one may be a more logical statement than the
other, but as to the result, the practical conclusions, both are about the
same; and this is the one central idea which the world stands in need of, and
nowhere is the want more felt than in this, our own motherland.
Ay, my friends, I
must tell you a few harsh truths. I read in the newspaper how, when one of
our fellows is murdered or ill-treated by an Englishman, howls go up all over
the country; I read and I weep, and the
next moment comes to my mind the question: Who
is responsible for it all? As a Vedantist I cannot but put that question to
myself. The Hindu is a man of introspection;
he wants to see things in and through himself, through the subjective vision.
I, therefore, ask myself: Who is responsible?
And the answer comes every time: Not the
English; no, they are not responsible; it is we who are responsible for all our
misery and all our degradation, and we alone are responsible. Our aristocratic
ancestors went on treading the common masses of our country under foot, till
they became helpless, till under this torment the poor, poor people nearly
forgot that they were human beings. They have been compelled to be merely
hewers of wood and drawers of water for centuries, so much so that they are
made to believe that they are born as slaves, born as hewers of wood and
drawers of water. With all our boasted education of modern times, if anybody
says a kind word for them, I often find our men shrink at once from the duty of
lifting them up, these poor down-trodden people. Not only so, but I also find
that all sorts of most demoniacal and brutal arguments, culled from the crude
ideas of hereditary transmission and brought forward in order to brutalize and
tyrannize over the poor all the more. At the Parliament of Religions in
America, there came among others a young man, a born Negro, a real African
Negro, and he made a beautiful speech. I became interested in the young man and
now and then talked to him, but could learn nothing about him. But one day in
England, I met some Americans; and this is what they told me. This boy was the
son of a Negro chief
who lived in the heart of Africa, and that one day another chief became angry
with the father of this boy and murdered him and murdered the mother also, and
they were cooked and eaten; he ordered the child to be killed also and cooked
and eaten; but the boy fled, and after passing through great hardships and
having travelled a distance of several hundreds of miles, he reached the
sea-shore, and there he was taken into an American Vessel and brought over to
America. And this boy made that speech! After
that, what was I to think of your doctrine of heredity!
Thus there is a great opening for the Vedanta
to do beneficent work both here and elsewhere. This wonderful idea of the
sameness and omnipresence of the Supreme Soul has to be preached for the
amelioration and elevation of the Human race here as elsewhere. Wherever there
is evil and wherever there is ignorance and want of knowledge, I have found out
by experience that all evil comes, as our scriptures say, relying upon
differences, and that all good comes from faith in equality, in the underlying
sameness and oneness of things. This is the great Vedantic ideal. To have the
ideal is one thing, and to apply it practically to the details of daily life is
quite another thing. It is very good to
point out an ideal, but where is the practical way to reach it?
Here naturally comes the difficult and the
vexed question of caste and of social reformation, which has been uppermost for
centuries in the minds of our people. I must frankly tell you that I am neither
a caste-breaker nor a mere social reformer. I have nothing to do directly with
your castes or with your social reformation. Live in any caste you like, but
that is no reason why you should hate another man or another caste. It is love
and love alone that I preach, and I base my teaching on the great Vedantic
truth of the sameness and omnipresence of the Soul of the Universe. For nearly
the past one hundred years, our country has been flooded with social reformers
and various social reform proposals. Personally, I have no fault to find with
these reformers. Most of them are good, well-meaning men, and their aims too
are very laudable on certain points; but it is quite a patent fact that this
one hundred years of social reform has produced no permanent and valuable
result appreciable throughout the country. Platform speeches have been made by
the thousand, denunciations in volumes after volumes have been hurled upon the
devoted head of the Hindu race and its civilization, and yet no good practical
result has been achieved; and where is the reason for that? The reason is not
hard to find. It is in the denunciation itself. As I told you before, in the
first place, we must try to keep our historically acquired character as a
people. I grant that we have to take a great many things from other nations,
that we have to learn many lessons from outside; but I am sorry to say that
most of our modern reform movements have been inconsiderate imitations of
Western means and methods of work; and that surely will not do for India;
therefore it is that all our recent reform movements have had no result.
In the second place, denunciation is not at all
the way to do good. That there are evils in our society even a child can see;
and in what society are there no evils? And let me take this opportunity, my
countrymen, of telling you that in comparing the different races and nations of
the world I have been among, I have come to the conclusion that our people are
on the whole the most moral and the most godly, and our institutions are, in
their plan and purpose, best suited to make mankind happy. I do not, therefore,
want any reformation. My ideal is growth, expansion, development on national
lines. As I look back upon the history of my country, I do not find in the
whole world another country which has done quite so much for the improvement of
the human mind. Therefore I have no words of condemnation for my nation. I tell
them, “You have done well; only try to do better.” Great things have been done
in the past in this land, and there is both time and room for greater things to
be done yet. I am sure you know that we cannot stand still. If we stand still,
we lie. We have either to go forward or to go backward. We have either to
progress or to degenerate. Our ancestors did great things in the past, but we have
to grow into a fuller life and march beyond even their great achievements. How
can we now go back and degenerate ourselves? That cannot be; that must not be;
going back will lead to national decay and death. Therefore let us go forward
and do yet greater things; that is what I have to tell you.
I am no preacher of any momentary social
reform. I am not trying to remedy evils, I only ask you to go forward and to
complete the practical realization of the scheme of human progress that has
been laid out in the most perfect order by our ancestors. I only ask you to
work to realize more and more the Vedantic ideal of the solidarity of man and
his inborn divine nature. Had I the time, I would gladly show
you how everything we have now to do was laid out years ago by our ancient
law-givers, and how they actually anticipated all the different changes that
have taken place and are still to take place in our national institutions. They
also were breakers of caste, but they were not like our modern men. They did not
mean by the breaking of caste that all the people in a city should sit down
together to a dinner of beefsteak and champagne, nor that all fools and
lunatics in the country should marry when, where, and whom they choose and
reduce the country to a lunatic asylum, nor did they believe that the
prosperity of a nation is to be gauged by the number of husbands its widows
get. I have yet to see such a prosperous nation.
The ideal man of our ancestors was the Brahmin.
In all our books stands out prominently this ideal of the Brahmin. In Europe
there is my Lord the Cardinal, who is struggling hard and spending thousands of
pounds to prove the nobility of his ancestors, and he will not be satisfied
until he has traced his ancestry to some dreadful tyrant who lived on a hill
and watched the people passing by, and whenever he had the opportunity, sprang
out on them and robbed them. That was the business of these nobility-bestowing
ancestors, and my Lord Cardinal is not satisfied until he can trace his
ancestry to one of these. In India, on the
other hand, the greatest princes seek to trace their descent to some ancient
sage who dressed in a bit of lion-cloth, lived in a forest, eating roots and
studying the Vedas. It is there that the Indian prince goes to trace his
ancestry. You are of the high caste when you can trace your ancestry to a
Rishi, and not otherwise.
Our ideal of high birth, therefore, is
different from that of others. Our ideal is the Brahmin of spiritual culture
and renunciation. By the Brahmin ideal what do
I mean? I mean the ideal Brahmin-ness in which worldliness is altogether absent
and true wisdom is abundantly present. That is the ideal of the Hindu race.
Have you not heard how it is declared that he, the Brahmin, is not amenable to
law, that he has no law, that he is not governed by kings, and that his body
cannot be hurt? That is perfectly true. Do
not understand it in the light thrown upon it by interested and ignorant fools,
but understand it in the light of the true and original Vedantic conception.
If the Brahmin is he who has killed all selfishness and who lives and works to
acquire and propagate wisdom and the power of love – if a country is altogether
inhabited by such Brahmins, by men and women who are spiritual and moral and
good, is it strange to think of that country as being above and beyond all law?
What police, what military are necessary to govern them? Why should anyone
govern them at all? Why should they live under a government? They are good and
noble, and they are the men of God; these are our ideal Brahmins, and we read
that in the Satya Yuga there was only one caste, and that was the Brahmin. We read
in the Mahabharata that the whole world was in the beginning peopled with
Brahmins, and that as they began to degenerate, they became divided into
different castes, and that when the cycle turns round, they will all go back to
the Brahminical origin. This cycle is turning round now, and I draw your
attention to this fact. Therefore our solution of the caste question is not
degrading those who are already high up, is not running amuck through food and
drink, is not jumping out of our own limits in order to have more enjoyement, but
it comes by every one of us fulfilling the dictates of our Vedantic religion,
by our attaining spirituality, and by our becoming the ideal Brahmin. There is
a law laid on each one of you in this land by your ancestors, whether you are
Aryans or non-Aryans, Rishis or Brahmins, or the very lowest outcastes. The command is the same to you all, that you
must make progress without stopping, and that from the highest man to the
lowest Pariah everyone in this country has to try and become the ideal Brahmin.
This Vedantic idea is applicable not only here but over the whole world. Such
is our ideal of caste as meant for raising all humanity slowly and gently
towards the realization of that great ideal of the spiritual man who is
non-resisting, calm, steady, worshipful, pure, and meditative. In that ideal
there is God.
How are these
things to be brought about? I must again draw your attention to
the fact that cursing and vilifying and
abusing do not and cannot produce anything good. They have been tried for years
and years, and no valuable result has been obtained. Good results can be
produced only through love, through sympathy. It is a great subject, and it
requires several lectures to elucidate all the plans that I have in view, and
all the ideas that are, in this connection, coming to my mind day after day. I must, therefore, conclude, only reminding
you of this fact that this ship of our nation, O Hindus, has been usefully
plying here for ages. Today, perhaps, it has sprung a leak; today, perhaps, it
has become a little worn out. And if such is the case, it behoves you and me to
try our best to stop that leak and holes. Let us tell our countrymen of the
danger, let them awake and help us. I will cry at the top of my voice from one
part of this country to the other, to awaken the people to the situation and
their duty. Suppose they do not hear me, still I shall not have one word of
abuse for them, not one word of cursing. Great has been our nation’s work in
the past; and if we cannot do greater things in the future, let us have this
consolation that we can sink and die together in peace. Be patriots, love the
race which has done such great things for us in the past. Ay, the more I
compare notes, the more I love you, my fellow-countrymen; you are good and pure
and gentle. You have been always tyrannized over, and such is the irony of this
material world of Maya. Never mind that; the Spirit will triumph in the long
run. In the mean-while let us work and let us not abuse our country, let us not
curse and abuse the weather-beaten and work-worn institutions of our
thrice-holy motherland. Have no word of condemnation even for the most
superstitious and the most irrational of its institutions, for they also must
have served some good in the past. Remember always that there is not in the
world any other country whose institutions are really better in their aims and
objects than the institutions of this land. I have seen castes in almost every
country in the world, but nowhere is their plan and purpose so glorious as
here. If caste is thus unavoidable, I would rather have a caste of purity and
culture and self-sacrifice, than a caste of dollars. Therefore utter no words
of condemnation. Close your lips and let your hearts open. Work out the
salvation of this land and of the whole world, each of you thinking that the
entire burden is on your shoulders. Carry the light and the life of the Vedanta
to every door, and rouse up the divinity that is hidden within every soul.
Then, whatever may be the measure of your success, you will have this
satisfaction that you have lived, worked, and died for a great cause. In the
success of this cause, howsoever brought about, is centered the salvation of
humanity here and hereafter.
Saturday, 12 November 2011
Swami Vivekananda : The Cyclonic Monk of India.: VEDANTISM
...Read it Again and Again. Not possible in one shot. Forward it with a request to repeat the cycle...
The following address of welcome from the Hindus of Jaffna was presented to Swami Vi...
LECTURES from Colombo to Almora
following address of welcome from the Hindus of Jaffna was presented to Swami
We, the inhabitants of Jaffna professing the
Hindu religion, desire to offer you a most hearty welcome to our land, the
chief centre of Hinduism in Ceylon, and to express our thankfulness for your
kind acceptance of our invitation to visit this part of Lanka.
Our ancestors settled here from Southern
India, more than two thousand years ago, and brought with them their religion,
which was patronized by the Tamil kings of Jaffna; but when their government
was displaced by that of the Portuguese and the Dutch, the observance of
religious rights was interfered with, public religious worship was prohibited,
and the Sacred Temples, including two of the most far-famed Shrines, were razed
to the ground by the cruel hand of persecution. In spite of the persistent
attempts of these nations to force upon our forefathers the Christian religion,
they clung to their old faith firmly, and have transmitted it to us as the
noblest of our heritages. Now under the rule of Great Britain, not only has
there been a great and intelligent revival, but the sacred edifices have been,
and are being restored.
We take this opportunity to express our
deep-felt gratitude for your noble and disinterested labours in the cause of
our religion in carrying the light of truth, as revealed in the Vedas, to the
Parliament of Religions, in disseminating the truths of the Divine Philosophy
of India in America and England, and in making the Western world acquainted
with the truths of Hinduism and thereby bringing the West in closer touch with
the East. We also express our thankfulness to you for initiating a movement for
the revival of our ancient religion in this materialistic age when there is a
decadence of faith and a disregard for search after spiritual truth.
We need hardly assure you that we have been
carefully watching the progress of your Mission in the West and always heartily
rejoicing at your devotedness and successful labors in the field of religion.
The appreciative references made by the press in the great centers of
intellectual activity, moral growth, and religious inquiry in the West, to you
and to your valuable contributions to our religious literature, bear eloquent
testimony to your noble and magnificent efforts.
We beg to express our heartfelt
gratification at your visit to our land and to hope that we, who, in common
with you, look to the Vedas as the foundation of all true spiritual knowledge,
may have many more occasions of seeing you in our midst.
May God, who has hitherto crowned your noble
work with conspicuous success, spare you long, giving you vigor and strength to
continue your noble Mission.
We remain, Revered Sir,
Yours faithfully,
For and on behalf of the HINDUS OF JAFFNA.
An eloquent reply was given, and on the
following evening the Swami lectured on Vedantism, a report of which is here
The subject is very
large and the time is short; a full analysis of the religion of the Hindus is
impossible in one lecture. I will, therefore, present before you the salient
points of our religion in as simple language as I can. The word Hindu, by which
it is the fashion nowadays to style ourselves, has lost all its meaning, for
this word merely meant those who lived on the other side of the river Indus (in
Sanskrit, Sindhu). This name was murdered
into Hindu by the ancient Persians, and all people living on the other side of
the river Sindhu were called by them Hindus. Thus this word has come down
to us; and during the Mohammedan rule we took up the word ourselves. There may
not be any harm in using the word of course; but, as I have said, it has lost its
significance, for you may mark that all the people who live on this side of the
Indus in modern times do not follow the same religion as they did in ancient
times. The word, therefore, covers not only
Hindu proper, but Mohammedans, Christians, Jains, and other people who live in
India. I, therefore, would not use the word Hindu. What word should we use
then? The other words which alone we can use are either the Vaidikas, followers
of the Vedas, or better still, the Vedantist, followers of the Vedanta. Most of
the great religions of the world owe allegiance to certain books which they
believe are the words of God or some other supernatural beings, and which are
the basis of their religion. Now of all these books, according to the modern
savants of the West, the oldest are the Vedas of the Hindus. A little
understanding, therefore, is necessary about the Vedas.
mass of writing, the Vedas, is divided principally into two parts, the Karma
Kanda and the Jnana Kanda – the work portion and the knowledge portion, the
ceremonial and the spiritual. The work portion consist of various sacrifices;
most of them of late have been given up as not practicable under present
circumstances, but others remain to the present day in some shape or other. The main ideas of the Karma Kanda, which
consists of the duties of man, the duties of the student, of the householder,
of the recluse, and the various duties of the different stations of life,
are followed more or less down to the present day. But the spiritual portion of our religion is in the second part, the
Jnana Kanda, the Vedanta, the end of the Vedas, the gist, the goal of the Vedas.
The essence of the knowledge of the Vedas was called by the name of Vedanta,
which comprises the Upanishads; and all the sects of India – Dualists,
Qualified-Monists, Monists, or the Shaivites, Vaishnavites, Shaktas, Sauras,
Ganapatyas, each one that dares to come within the fold of Hinduism – must acknowledge
the Upanishads of the Vedas. They can have their own interpretations and can
interpret them in their own way, but they must obey the authority. That is why we want to use the word Vedantist
instead of Hindu. All the philosophers of India who are orthodox have to
acknowledge the authority of the Vedanta; and all our present-day religions,
however crude some of them may appear to be, however inexplicable some of their
purposes may seem, one who understands them and studies them can trace them
back to the ideas of the Upanishads. So deeply have these Upanishads sunk into
our race that those of you who study the symbology of the crudest religion of
the Hindus will be astonished to find sometimes figurative expressions of the
Upanishads – the Upanishads become symbolized after a time into figures and so
forth. Great spiritual and philosophical ideas in the Upanishads are today with
us, converted into household worship in the form of symbols. Thus the various
symbols now used by us, all come from the Vedanta, because in the Vedanta they
are used as figures, and these ideas spread among the nation and permeated it
throughout until they became part of their everything life as symbols.
Then there
are the Puranas. ‘Puranam Panchalakshanam’ – which means, the Puranas are of
five characteristics – that which treats of history, of cosmology, with various
symbological illustration of philosophical principles, and so forth. These
were written to popularize the religion of the Vedas. The language in which the
Vedas are written is very ancient, and even among scholars very few can trace
the date of these books. The Puranas were written in the language of the people
of that time, what we call modern Sanskrit. They were then meant not for
scholars, but for the ordinary people; and ordinary people cannot understand
philosophy. Such things were given unto them in concrete form, by means of the
lives of saints and kings and great men and historical events that happened to
the race etc. The sages made use of these things to illustrate the eternal
principles of religion.
There are still other books, the Tantras.
These are very much like Puranas in some respects, and in some of them there is
an attempt to revive the old sacrificial ideas of the Karma Kanda.
All these books constitute the scriptures of
the Hindus. When there is such a mass of sacred books in a nation and a race
which has devoted the greatest part of its energies to the thought of
philosophy and spirituality (nobody knows for how many thousands of years), it is quite natural that there should be so many
sects; indeed it is a wonder that there are not thousands more. These sects
differ very much from each other in certain points. We shall not have time to
understand the differences between these sects and all the spiritual details
about them; therefore I shall take up the common grounds, the essential
principles of all these sects which every Hindu must believe.
first is the question of creation, that this
nature, Prakriti, Maya is infinite, without beginning. It is not that this
world was created the other day, not that a God came and created the world and
since that time has been sleeping; for that cannot be. The creative energy is
still going on. God is eternally creating – is never at rest. Remember the
passage in the Gita where Krishna says, “If I
remain at rest for one moment, this universe will be destroyed.” If that
creative energy which is working all around us, day and night, stops for a
second, the whole thing falls to the ground. There never was a time when that
energy did not work throughout the universe, but there is the law of cycles, Pralaya.
Our Sanskrit word for creation, properly translated, should be projection and not creation. For the word creation in the English language has
unhappily got that fearful, that most crude idea of something coming out of
nothing, creation out of nonentity, non-existence becoming existence, which, of
course, I would not insult you by asking you to believe. Our word, therefore,
is projection. The whole of this nature exists, it becomes finer, subsides; and
then after a period of rest, as it were, the whole thing is again projected
forward, and the same combination, the same evolution, the same manifestations
appear and remain playing, as it were, for a certain time, only again to break
into pieces, to become finer and finer, until the whole thing subsides, and
again comes out. Thus it goes on backwards
and forwards with a wave-like motion throughout eternity. Time, space, and causation are all within
this nature. To say, therefore, that it had a
beginning is utter nonsense. No
question can occur as to its beginning or its end. Therefore, wherever in our
scriptures the words beginning and end are used, you must remember that it
means the beginning and the end of one particular cycle; no more than that.
What makes this creation? God. What do I
mean by the use of the English word God? Certainly not the word as ordinarily
used in English – a good deal of difference. There is no other suitable word in
English. I would rather confine myself to the Sanskarit word Brahman. He is the
general cause of all these manifestations. What is this Brahman? He is eternal,
eternally pure, eternally awake, the almighty, the all-knowing, the
all-merciful, the omnipresent, the formless, the partless. He creates this
universe. If he is always creating and holding up this universe, two
difficulties arise. We see that there is partiality in the universe. One person
is born happy, and another unhappy; one is rich, and another is poor; this
shows partiality. Then there is cruelty also, for here the very condition of
life is death. One animal tears another to pieces, and every man tries to get
the better of his own brother. This competition, cruelty, horror, and sighs
rending hearts day and night is the state of things in this world of ours. If
this be the creation of a God, that God is worse than cruel, worse than any
devil that man ever imagined. Ay! Says the Vedanta, it is not the fault of God
that this partiality exists, that this competition exists. Who makes it? We
ourselves. There is a cloud shedding its rain on all fields alike. But it is
only the field that is well cultivated, which gets the advantage of the shower;
another field, which has not been tilled or taken care of cannot get that
advantage. It is not the fault of the cloud. The mercy of God is eternal and
unchangeable; it is we that make the differentiation. But how can this
difference of some being born happy and some unhappy be explained? They do
nothing to make out that difference! Not in this life, but they did in their
last birth, and the difference is explained by this action in the previous
We now come to the
second principle on which we all agree, not only all Hindus, but all Buddhists
and all Jains. We all agree that life is eternal. It is not that it has sprung
out of nothing, for that cannot be. Such a life would not be worth having.
Everything that has a beginning in time must bend in time. If life began but
yesterday, it must end tomorrow, and annihilation is the result. Life must have
been existing. It does not now require much acumen to see that, for all the
sciences of modern times have been coming round to our help, illustrating from
the material world the principles embodied in our scriptures. You know it
already that each one of us is the effect of the infinite past; the child is
ushered into the world not as something flashing from the hands of nature, as
poets delight so much to depict, but he has
the burden of an infinite past; for good or evil he comes to work out his own
past deeds. That makes the differentiation. This is the law of Karma. Each
one of us is the maker of his own fate. This law knocks on the head at once all
doctrines of predestination and fate and gives us the only means of
reconciliation between God and man. We, we,
and none else, are responsible for what we suffer. We are the effects, and we
are the causes. We are free therefore. If
I am unhappy, it has been of my own making, and that very thing shows that I
can be happy if I will. If I am impure, that is also of my own making, and that
very thing shows that I can be pure if I will. The human will stands beyond all
circumstance. Before it – the strong, gigantic, infinite will and freedom in
man – all the powers, even of nature, must
bow down, succumb, and become its servants. This is the result of the law of
The next question, of course, naturally
would be: What is the soul? We cannot
understand God in our scriptures without knowing the soul. There have been
attempts in India, and outside of India too, to catch a glimpse of the beyond
by studying external nature; and we all know what an awful failure has been the
result. Instead of giving us a glimpse of the beyond, the more we study the
material world, the more we tend to become materialized. The more we handle the material world, even the little spirituality
which we possessed before vanishes. Therefore that is not the way to
spirituality, to knowledge of the Highest; but it must come through the heart,
the human soul. The external workings do not teach us anything about the
beyond, about the Infinite, it is only the internal that can do so. Through
soul, therefore, the analysis of the human soul alone, can we understand God.
There are differences of opinion as to the nature of the human soul among the
various sects in India, but there are certain points of agreement. We all agree
that souls are without beginning and without end, and immortal by their very
nature; also that all powers, blessing, purity, omnipresence, omniscience are
buried in each soul. That is a grand idea we
ought to remember. In every man and in every animal, however weak or
wicked, great or small, resides the same omnipresent, omniscient soul. The
difference is not in the soul, but in the manifestation. Between me and the
smallest animal, the difference is only in manifestation, but as a principle he
is the same as I am, he is my brother, he has the same soul as I have. This is
the greatest principle that India has preached. The talk of the brotherhood of
man becomes in India the brotherhood of universal life, of animals, and of all
life down to the little ants – all these are our bodies. Even as our scripture
says, “Thus the sage, knowing that the same Lord inhabits all bodies, will
worship everybody as such.” That is why in India there have been such merciful
ideas about the poor, about animals, about everybody, and everything else. This
is one of the common grounds about our ideas of the soul.
Naturally, we come to
the idea of God. One thing more about the soul. Those who study the English
language are often deluded by the words, soul and mind. Our Atman and soul are
entirely different things. What we call Manas, the mind, the Western people
call soul. The West never had the idea of soul until they got it through
Sanskrit philosophy, some twenty years ago. The body is here, beyond that is
the mind, yet the mind is not the Atman; it
is the fine body, the Sukshma Sharira, made of fine particles, which goes
from birth to death, and so on; but behind the mind is the Atman, the soul, the
Self of man. It cannot be translated by the word soul or mind, so we have to
use the word Atman, or, as Western philosophers have designated it, by the word
Self. Whatever word you use, you must keep it clear in your mind that the Atman is separate from the mind, as well as from
the body, and that this Atman goes through birth and death, accompanied by the
mind, the Sukshma Sharira. And when the time comes that it has attained to all
knowledge and manifested itself to perfection, then this going from birth to
death ceases for it. Then it is at liberty either to keep that mind, the
Sukshman Sharira, or let it go for ever, and remain independent and free
throughout all eternity. The goal of the soul is freedom. That is one
peculiarity of our religion. We also
have heavens and hells too; but these are not infinite, for in the very nature
of things they cannot be. If there were any
heavens, they would be only repetitions of this world of ours on a bigger
scale, with a little more happiness and a little more enjoyment, but that is
all the worse of the soul. There are many of these heavens. Persons who do
good works here with the thought of reward, when they die, are born again as
gods in one of these heavens, as Indra and others. These gods are the names of
certain states. They also had been men, and by good work they have become gods;
and those different names that you read of, such as Indra and so on are not the
names of the same person. There will be thousands of Indras. Nahusha was a
great king, and when he died, he became Indra. It is a position; one soul
becomes high and takes the Indra position; one soul becomes high and takes the
Indra position and remains in it only a certain time; he then dies and is born
again as man. But the human body is the
highest of all. Some of the gods may try to go higher and give up all ideas
of enjoyment in heavens; but, as in this world, wealth and position and
enjoyment delude the vast majority, so do most of the gods become deluded also,
and after working out their good Karma, they fall down and become human beings
again. This earth, therefore, is the Karma
Bhumi; it is this earth from which we attain to liberation. So even these
heavens are not worth attaining to.
What is
then worth living? Mukti, freedom. Even in the highest of heavens, says our
scripture, you are a slave; what matters it if you are a king for twenty
thousand years? So long as you have a body, so long as you are a slave to
happiness, so long as time works on you, space works on you, you are a slave. The idea, therefore, is to be free of external
and internal nature. Nature must fall at your feet, and you must trample on it
and be free and glorious by going beyond. No more is there life; therefore
no more is there death. No more enjoyment; therefore no more misery. It is bliss unspeakable, indestructible, beyond
everything. What we call happiness and good here are but particles of that
eternal Bliss. And this eternal Bliss is our goal.
The soul is also sexless; we cannot say of the Atman that it is a
man or a woman. Sex belongs to the body alone. All such ideas, therefore, as
man or woman, are a delusion when spoken with regard to the Self, and are only
proper when spoken of the body. So are the
ideas of age. It never ages; the ancient One is always the same. How did It
come down to earth? There is but one answer to that in our scriptures. Ignorance is the cause of all this bondage.
It is through ignorance that we have become bound; knowledge will cure it by taking us to the other side. How will that
knowledge come? Through love, Bhakti; by the worship of God, by loving all
beings as the temples of God. He resides within them. Thus, with that
intense love will come knowledge, and ignorance will disappear, the bonds will
break, and the soul will be free.
There are
two ideas of God in our scriptures – the one, the personal; and the other, the impersonal.
The idea of the Personal God is that He is the omnipresent creator, preserver,
and destroyer of everything, the eternal Father and Mother of the universe, but
One who is eternally separate from us and from all souls; and liberation consists
in coming near to Him and living in Him. Then there is the other idea of the
Impersonal, where all those adjectives are taken away as superfluous, as
illogical, and there remains an impersonal, omnipresent Being who cannot be
called a knowing being, because knowledge only belongs to the human mind. He
cannot be called a thinking being, because that is a process of the weak only.
He cannot be called a reasoning being, because reasoning is a sign of weakness.
He cannot be called a creating being, because none creates except in bondage.
What bondage has He? None works except for the fulfillment of desires; what
desires has He? None works except it be to supply some wants; what wants has
He? In the Vedas it is not the word “He”
that is used, but “It”, for “He” would make an invidious distinction, as
if God were a man. “It”, the impersonal,
is used, and this impersonal “It” is
preached. This system is called the Advaita.
And what are our relations with this
Impersonal Being? – that we are He. We and He are one. Every one is but a
manifestation of that Impersonal, the basis of all being, and misery consists
in thinking of ourselves as different from this Infinite, Impersonal Being; and
liberation consists in knowing our unity with this wonderful Impersonality. These,
in short, are the two ideas of God that we find in our scriptures.
Some remarks ought to be made here. It is
only through the idea of the Impersonal God that you can have any system of
ethics. In every nation the truth has been preached from the most ancient times
– love your fellow beings as yourselves
- I mean, love human beings as yourselves. In India it has been
preached, “love all beings as yourselves”; we make no distinction between men
and animals. But no reason was forthcoming,
no one knew why it would be good to love other beings as ourselves. And the
reason, why, is there in the idea of the Impersonal God; you understand it when
you learn that the whole world is one – the
oneness of the universe – the solidarity
of all life – that in hurting any one I am hurting myself, in loving any one I
am loving myself. Hence we understand why it is that we ought not to hurt
others. The reason for ethics, therefore, can only be had from this ideal of
the Impersonal God. Then there is the question of the position of the Personal
God in it. I understand the wonderful flow of love that comes from the idea of
a Personal God, I thoroughly appreciate the power and potency of Bhakti on men
to suit the needs of different times. What we
now want in our country, however, is not so much of weeping, but a little
strength. What a mine of strength is in this Impersonal God, when all superstitions have
been thrown overboard, and man stands on his feet with the knowledge – I am the
Impersonal Being of the world! What can make me afraid? I care not even for nature’s laws. Death is a joke to me. Man
stands on the glory of his own soul, the infinite, the eternal, the deathless –
that soul which no instruments can pierce, which no air can dry, nor fire burn,
no water melt, the infinite, the birthless, the deathless, without beginning
and without end, before whose magnitude the suns and moons and all their
systems appear like drops in the ocean, before whose glory space melts away
into nothingness and time vanishes into non-existence. This glorious soul we
must believe in. Out of that will come power.
Whatever you think, that you will be. If you think yourselves weak, weak you
will be; if you think yourselves strong, strong you will be; if you think yourselves impure, impure you will
be; if you think yourselves pure, pure you will be. This teaches us not to
think ourselves as weak, but as strong, omnipotent, omniscient. No matter that
I have not expressed it yet, it is in me. All knowledge is in me, all power,
all purity, and all freedom. Why cannot I express this knowledge? Because I do
not believe in it. Let me believe in it, and it must and will come out.
This is what the idea of the Impersonal teaches. Make
your children strong from their very childhood; teach them not weakness, nor
forms, but make them strong; let them stand on their feet-bold, all-conquering,
all-suffering; and first of all, let them learn of the glory of the soul. That
you get alone in the Vedanta – and there alone. It has ideas of love and
worship and other things which we have in other religions, and more besides;
but this idea of the soul is the life-giving thought, the most wonderful. There and there alone is the great thought that
is going to revolutionise the world and reconcile the knowledge of the material
world with religion.
Thus I have tried to bring before you the
silent points of our religion – the principles. I have only to say a few words
about the practice and the application. As we have seen, under the
circumstances existing in India, naturally many sects must appear. As a fact,
we find that there are so many sects in India, and at the same time we know
this mysterious fact that these sects do not quarrel with each other. The
Shaivite does not say that every Vaishnavite is going to be demned. The
Shaivite says, this is my path, and you have yours; at the end we must come
together. They all know that in India. This is the theory of Ishta. It has been
recognized in the most ancient times that there are various forms of
worshipping God. It is also recognized that different natures require different
methods. Your method of coming to God may not be my method, possibly it might
hurt me. Such an idea as that there is but one way for everybody is injurious,
meaningless, and entirely to be avoided. Woe unto the world when everyone is of
the same religious opinion and takes to the same path. Then all religions and
all thought will be destroyed. Variety is the
very soul of life. When it dies out entirely, creation will die. When this
variation in thought is kept up, we must exist; and we need not quarrel because
of that variety. Your way is very good for
you, but not for me. My way is good for me, but not for you. My way is
called in Sanskrit, my “Ishta”. Mind you, we
have no quarrel with any religion in the world. We have each our Ishta. But
when we see men coming and saying, “This is
the only way”, and trying to force it on us in India, we have a word to say;
we laugh at them. For such people who want to destroy their brothers because
they seem to follow a different path towards God – for them to talk of love is
absurd. Their love does not count for much. How can they preach of love who
cannot bear another man to follow a different path from their own? If that is
love, what is hatred? We have no quarrel with any religion in the world,
whether it teaches men to worship Christ, Buddha, or Mohammed, or any other
prophet. “Welcome, my brother,” the Hindu says, “I am going to help you; but
you must allow me to follow my way too. That is my Ishta. Your way is very good,
no doubt; but it may be dangerous for me. My own experience tells me what food
is good for me, and no army of doctors can tell me that. So I know from my own
experience what path is the best for me.” That is the goal, the Ishta, and
therefore, we say that if a temple, or a symbol, or an image helps you to
realize the Divinity within, you are welcome to it. Have two hundred images if
you like. If certain forms and formularies help you to realize the Divine, God
speed you; have, by all means, whatever forms, and whatever temples, and
whatever ceremonies you want to bring you nearer to God. But do not quarrel
about them; the moment you quarrel, you are not going Godward, you are going
backward, towards the brutes.
I have finished what
I had to say about our religion. I will end by reminding you of the one
pressing necessity of the day. Praise be to Vyasa, the great author of the
Mahabharata, that in this Kali Yuga there is one great work. The Tapas and the other hard Yogas that were
practiced in other Yugas do not now. What is needed in this Yuga is giving,
helping others. What is meant by Dana? The highest of gifts is the giving of
spiritual knowledge, the next is the giving of secular knowledge, and the next
is the saving of life, the last is giving food and drink. He who gives
spiritual knowledge, saves the soul from many and many a birth. He who gives
secular knowledge opens the eyes of human beings towards spiritual knowledge,
and far below these rank all other gifts, even the saving of life. Therefore it
is necessary that you learn this and note that all other kinds of work are of
much less value than that of imparting spiritual knowledge. The highest and
greatest help is that given in the dissemination of spiritual knowledge. There is an eternal fountain of spirituality in
our scriptures, and nowhere on earth, except in this land of renunciation, do
we find such noble examples of practical spirituality. I have had a little
experience of the world. Believe me, there is much talking in other lands; but
the practical man of religion, who has carried it into his life, is here and
here alone. Talking is not religion; parrots may talk, machines may talk
nowadays. But show me the life of renunciation, of spirituality, of
all-suffering of love infinite. This
kind of life indicates a spiritual man. With such ideas and such noble
practical examples in our country, it would be a great pity if the treasures in
the brains and hearts of all these great Yogis were not brought out to become
the common property of every one, rich and poor, high and low; not only in
India, but they must be thrown broadcast all over the world. This is one of our
greatest duties, and you will find that the more you work to help others, the
more you help yourselves. The one vital duty incumbent on you, if you really
love your religion, if you really love your country, is that you must struggle
hard to be up and doing, with this one great idea of bringing out the treasures
from your closed books and delivering them over to their rightful heirs.
And above
all, one thing is necessary. Ay, for ages we have been saturated with awful
jealousy; we are always getting jealous of each other. Why has this man a
little precedence, and not I? Even in the worship of God we want precedence, to
such a state of slavery have we come. This is to be avoided. If there is any
crying sin in India at this time it is this slavery. Every one wants to
command, and no one wants to obey; and this is owing to the absence of that
wonderful Brahmacharya system of yore. First, learn to obey. The command will
come by itself. Always first learn to be a servant, and then you will be fit to
be a master. Avoid this jealousy, and you will do great works that have yet to
be done. Our ancestors did most wonderful works, and we look back upon their
work with veneration and pride. But we also are going to do great deeds, and
let others look back with blessings and pride upon us as their ancestors. With
the blessing of the Lord everyone here will yet do such deeds that will eclipse
those of our ancestors, great and glorious as them may have been.
...The End...
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