Swami Vivekananda

Only Hope For The Sustenance In This Cut Throat Competitive World.

Tuesday 13 July 2021

Letters of Swami Vivekananda. Chicago. 20-06-1894.


  1. The whole difference between the West and the East is in this : They are nations, we are not, i.e. civilization, education here is general, it penetrates into the masses. The higher classes in India and America are the same, but the distance is infinite between the lower classes of the two countries. Why was it so easy for the English to conquer India? It was because they are a nation, we are not. When one of our great men dies, we must sit for centuries to have another; they can produce them as fast as they die.
  2. Educate and raise the masses, and thus alone a nation is possible.
  3. Everyone must work out his own salvation. Our duty is to put the chemicals together, the crystallization will come through God’s Law.
  4. It is not that the eye is the only door of knowledge, the ear can do all the same.
  5. It is a character, a life, a centre, a God-Man that must lead the way.
  6. Human help I spurn with my foot. He who has been with me through hills and dales, through deserts or forest, will be with me, I hope; if not, some heroic soul would arise some time or other in India, far abler than myself and carry it out.
  7. You are at liberty, my friend, to think that I am a dreamer, a visionary; but believe at least that I am sincere to the backbone, and my greatest fault is that I love my country only too, too well.

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Sunday 11 July 2021

Letters of Swami Vivekananda. 46-1894

  1.  If you want any good to come, just throw your ceremonials overboard and worship the Living God, the Man-God - every being that wears a human form - God in His universal as well as individual aspect. The Universal aspect of God means this world, and worshipping it means serving it - this indeed is work, not indulging in ceremonials. 
  2. Be independent, learn to form independent judgments. That such and such a chapter of such and such a Tantra has prescribed a standart length for the handle of a bell - what matters it to me? Through the Lord's will out of your lips shall come millions of Vedas and Tantras and Puranas.
  3. Without an unbroken chain of discipleship - 'Guruparamparaa' nothing can be done. Is it a child's play?
  4. Nothing, I say, can be done without the chain of discipleship, that is, the power that is transmitted from the Guru to the disciple, and from him to his disciple, and so on.
  5. Go to hell yourself to buy salvation for others. There is no Mukti (liberation) on earth to call you own. Whenever you think of yourself, you are bound to feel restless.
  6. It is only by doing good to others that one attains to one's own good, and it is by leading others to Bhakti and Mukti that one attains them oneself.
  7. When Death is certain, it is better to die for a good cause.
  8. We want organization. Off with laziness. Spread! Spread! Run like fire to all places. Do not depend upon me. Whether I live or die go on spreading yourselves.

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Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama, Gwalior Service Activities

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Short Film: An Holistic School File: https://youtu.be/rHtAxiEvQwk

Short Film: Serve Man As Serving God - Sharada Balgram https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yolz2xhri2E

Academic Result Declaration Online: https://spark.adobe.com/video/cF0T2BSqyjKbh

Atal Tinkering Laboratory: https://spark.adobe.com/page/opNwyHbOI4MiB/

Annual Report 2020-21: https://spark.adobe.com/page/e0X9Q1pIoEzA1/

Sharada Balgram Activities: https://spark.adobe.com/page/yydazvsKlj0de/

Rkm CBSE Admission Form Online Link: https://www.etechschoolonline.com/admApplicationFormRkvm.htm?orgId=27&insId=1&dscId=1  

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Rakhal Gir Gaushala: https://jsdl.in/EL-99IOXPTAG52

Tuesday 6 July 2021

Letters of Swami Vivekananda USA 20th, 24th & 28th May 1894 (Three Letters)


  1. Whenever anyone of you is sick, let him himself or anyone of you visualize him in your mind, and mentally say and strongly imagine that he is all right. That will cure him quickly. You can do it even without his knowledge, and even with thousands of miles between you. Remember it and do not be ill any more.
  2. ‘Some would call you a saint, some a Chandala; some a lunatic, others a demon. Go on then straight to thy work without heeding either’ – thus saith one of our great Sannyasin, on old emperor of India, King Bhartrihari, who joined the order in old times.
  3. It is better to leave everything in the nands of Him who is at my back directing me. Try to work without me, as if I never existed. Do not wait for anybody or anything – Do whatever you can. Build your home on none.
  4. Try to organize and push on our plans. Believe you can do everything. Know that the Lord is with us, and so, onward, brave souls!
  5. Act on the educated young men, bring them together, and organize them. Great things can be done by great sacrifices only. No selfishness, no name, no fame, your or mine, nor my Master’s even! Work, work the idea, the plan, my boys, my brave, noble, good souls – to the wheel, to the wheel put your shoulders! Stop not to look back for name, or fame, or any such nonsense. Throw self overboard and work. Remember, “The grass when made into a rope, by being joined together, can even chain a mad elephant”. 

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Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama, Gwalior Service Activities

   Profile http://bit.ly/RamakrishnaMissionAshramaGwaliorProfile

Short Film: An Holistic School File: https://youtu.be/rHtAxiEvQwk

Short Film: Serve Man As Serving God - Sharada Balgram https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yolz2xhri2E

Academic Result Declaration Online: https://spark.adobe.com/video/cF0T2BSqyjKbh

Atal Tinkering Laboratory: https://spark.adobe.com/page/opNwyHbOI4MiB/

Annual Report 2020-21: https://spark.adobe.com/page/e0X9Q1pIoEzA1/

Sharada Balgram Activities: https://spark.adobe.com/page/yydazvsKlj0de/

Rkm CBSE Admission Form Online Link: https://www.etechschoolonline.com/admApplicationFormRkvm.htm?orgId=27&insId=1&dscId=1  

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Rakhal Gir Gaushala: https://jsdl.in/EL-99IOXPTAG52

Sunday 4 July 2021

Letters of Swami Vivekananda 17 Beacon Street, Boston May 1894 (Two Letters)



  1. Arise! Awake! And stop not till the goal is reached.
  2. Life is ever expanding, contraction is death.
  3. The self-seeking man who is looking after his personal comforts and leading a lazy life – there is no room for him even in hell.
  4. He alone is a child of Shri Ramakrishna who is moved to pity for all creatures and exerts himself for them even at the risk of incurring personal damnation, others are vulgar people.
  5. Now in this life let us infinitely spread his lofty character, his sublime, life, his infinite soul.
  6. What is wanted is a power of organization – do you understand me? Have any of you got that much brain in your head?
  7. We want some disciples – fiery young man – do you see? – Intelligent and brave, who dare to go to the jaws of Death, and are ready to swim the ocean across. Do you follow me? We want hundreds like that, both man and women. Try your utmost for that end alone. Make converts right and left, and put them into our purity-drilling machine.
  8. This is a place for action, not enjoyment, and everyone will go home when his task is done – some earlier, and some later, that is all.
  9. Great sages come with special messages for the world, and not for name; but their followers throw their teachings overboard and fight over their names – this is verily the history of the world. I do not take into any consideration whether people accept his name or not, but I am ready to lay down my life to help his teachings, his life, and his message spread all over the world. What I am most afraid of is the worship-room.

Social Medial Links


Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama, Gwalior Service Activities

   Profile http://bit.ly/RamakrishnaMissionAshramaGwaliorProfile

Short Film: An Holistic School File: https://youtu.be/rHtAxiEvQwk

Short Film: Serve Man As Serving God - Sharada Balgram https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yolz2xhri2E

Academic Result Declaration Online: https://spark.adobe.com/video/cF0T2BSqyjKbh

Atal Tinkering Laboratory: https://spark.adobe.com/page/opNwyHbOI4MiB/

Annual Report 2020-21: https://spark.adobe.com/page/e0X9Q1pIoEzA1/

Sharada Balgram Activities: https://spark.adobe.com/page/yydazvsKlj0de/

Rkm CBSE Admission Form Online Link: https://www.etechschoolonline.com/admApplicationFormRkvm.htm?orgId=27&insId=1&dscId=1  

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Rakhal Gir Gaushala: https://jsdl.in/EL-99IOXPTAG52